As delivered by counsellor Kjetil Elsebutangen.
Thank you, Chair, and thanks to UNHCR for the informal exchanges in February and May as well as the oral update by special adviser Ewen Macleod today.
We recognize the complexity of this task, but we are hopeful that it will help us in better understanding the impact of hosting, protecting and assisting refugees.
We also believe it can underpin our efforts to reach the goal of predictable and equitable burden- and responsibility sharing through the implementation of the GCR.
As previously suggested in the informal exchange on 29 May, we would encourage UNHCR to reach out to the EGRIS network when coordinating this exercise.
EGRIS is an Expert Group established by the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) to develop international recommendations for refugee statistics.
It consists of participants from national authorities, international statistical organizations and other technical experts.
We believe the network of this group, including the national statistical offices involved in its work, could provide valuable input to the impact measuring initiative, together with partners such as the World Bank and OECD.
Thank you.