Item 7.5 Review of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework

Statement by Norway at # EB140 Item 7.5 Review of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework // 27.01.2017.

1.1. The PIP framework is a groundbreaking instrument for public health, based on the vitally important principle of virus sharing and access to benefits on an equal footing. We thank the Review Group for its comprehensive report and duly note the group’s assessment that this principle remains relevant
1.2. While recognizing that important questions need to be addressed when it comes to sharing of viruses and access to benefits also in relation other pathogens than influenza viruses, we fully support the Review Group’s view not to expand the scope of the Framework to such pathogens
1.3. Our reading is that the review group report is quite positive and contains a number of recommendations basically related to improve the Framework functionality.
1.4. However, two key issues involve important principles and need further consideration and understanding before we will be ready to decide on next steps. This is 1) whether seasonal influenza viruses should be included in the Framework and 2) how to deal with the increasing use of genetic sequence data in the context of the Framework.
1.5. Here, we refer to decision XIII/16 of the Convention of Biological Diversity and decision 2/14 of the Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya-protocol, which decided to consider any potential implications of the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources, also for access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources. In order to facilitate further discussions on such issues at WHA in May this year, Norway requests that the Secretariat prepares a comprehensive report.
1.6. We also encourage WHO to engage in the upcoming process within the Convention on biological diversity on issues of relevance to the PIP Framework in relation to the Nagoya protocol, including through exchange of information.
1.7. President; Norway therefore supports the draft decision with the amendments presented