Madam chair,
Norway supports the DP put forward by Australia, and would like to thank the United States for the tireless and excellent work as lead in developing the draft resolution.
We strongly welcome this opportunity to systematise and focus the important work WHO has already been carrying out for a long time in this field, both with regard to violence against Women and girls and more broadly – a work whose scope and depth is quite impressive, and perhaps insufficiently recognised.
The experience and expertise WHO has in violence prevention generally, as well as from a gender perspective , provides an excellent basis for WHO to be a strong player in co-operation with national governments
The health sector has a key role to play in combatting interpersonal violence, but it is also crucial to recognize that a much broader,integrated, multi-sectoral approach is needed, at the national level.
In order for the health sector to optimize its contribution within such an approach, it is important to precisely define its comparative advantages relative to other parts of national authorities. This should be a guiding principle for the development of an action plan.
We need to take a broad, comprehensive approach in developing the action plan – experience suggests that this represents the most cost-effective response to treatment and prevention. It is however crucial to recognize that women and girls are particularly exposed to interpersonal violence, and that an effective action plan needs to fully reflect this, including by developing adequate responses to gender-specific challenges.
Thank you.