Last updated: 10.06.2016 //
Thank you Chair,
Shortages of essential medicines and access to good-quality products for children continue to be key priorities for Norwegian development assistance.
Through Gavi, The Global Fund, UNITAID, and the Un Commission of Life Saving Commodities, Norway has contributed to improve access to life saving commodities by shaping markets to achieve affordable prices and addressing supply chain and regulatory bottlenecks to reduce stock outs. We have worked in partnerships to promote appropriate use of medicines and incentivise local manufacturing.
Medicine shortages is relevant in both high and low-income countries.
Addressing shortages will require cross-sectoral partnerships and transparent sharing of information. We support the need for monitoring and notification systems to promote early detection of shortages and identification of joint rapid response. This will help improve national forecasting. Information sharing between countries on the use of children’s medication also needs strengthening.
Harmonisation of regulations and procurement practices can lead to efficiencies and should be promoted. At the same time, efforts to strengthen in-country capacity and supply chains must continue, especially as more countries transition out of donor support.
We must continue to improve access to, and appropriate use of, children’s medication and adequate paediatric formulations. Developing diagnostics and paediatric formulations, as well as vaccines and medicines for epidemic disease outbreaks, require joint efforts with the private sector.
Norway supports both resolutions to this agenda item.
Thank you.