Last updated: 09.06.2016 //
Norway welcomes – with appreciation - the agreement reached on the draft resolution on inappropriate marketing on supplementary foods for infants and young children. It is very important for Norway that this Assembly takes a decision on this issue, 5 years after the Assembly requested that the WHO provides guidance in this area. The technical guidance from WHO on inappropriate marketing practices, based on the best available evidence to date, is the outcome of a robust technical process, and we commend the WHO for the work carried out. The guidance will be a helpful tool for Member States to end inappropriate marketing practices.
We also point to the fact that the resolution also calls for a range of Non-state actors to implement or support the implementation of the guidance, underlining their own responsibility to act on the guidance given.
We would chairman, like to express our sincere thanks to Ecuador for its important leadership in the discussions that led to the agreement.
My delegation also supports the other draft resolution under this agenda item, on the Decade of Nutrition.