Last updated: 10.06.2016 //
The goal of the Drug Conventions is to protect the health and wellbeing of humankind. In this context, we welcome the UNGASS outcome document that underlines the important role of WHO in strengthening the broader public health dimension of the world drug problem.
WHO's role is essential in strengthening the public health dimension of the world drug problem. We need the WHO to coordinate and demonstrate global leadership on the public health dimension of the world drug problem, and to continue its important work in this area – within WHOs existing mandate. Our expectation is that WHO will follow up on this important area of its mandate, including technical support to MS, and that this will strengthen the public health perspective on drug policies. The Secretariat's report represents a positive step forward in this regard.
Norway looks forward to a continued and active involvement by WHO on the wider health perspectives on the world drug problem towards the review of the Political Declaration in 2019.
Finally chair; we commend Colombia for their efforts in trying to reach agreement on the draft resolution, and we support their proposal to put this item on the agenda for EB 140.