Thank you Chair,
Norway takes note of the report, including the outcome of the 2014 high level meeting on NCDs in New York and the proposed work plan of the Global Coordination Mechanism for the period 2016-2017.
Norway remains committed to keeping NCDs high on the global health agenda. We are encouraged by the progress achieved so far in the various work streams of the Secretariat to accelerate action to prevent and control NCDs, including in following up the declarations from the two high level meetings in the UN General Assembly. Implementation assistance to Member States is key in order to reach the NCD goals. The technical support provided to Member States both by WHO itself and by the Interagency task force is needed in order to strengthen national efforts.
In this context, we are also pleased to see the good work by the Global Coordination Mechanism regarding multi-stakeholder engagement for NCD prevention. Multi-stakeholder action and working across sectors are prerequisites for tackling NCDs, particularly in relation to addressing the social determinants of NCDs. The establishment of the two GCM working groups is an important element in the implementation of the declaration of the high level meeting on NCDs. Based on the range of current and planned activities, we believe that we have found a good track for work ahead to prevent and control NCDs on a global level.
Engagement with non-state actors requires caution, and clearly defined terms, in order not to compromise the public health policy objectives. But managed appropriately, it could add important value to the efforts of public health authorities. In Norway we are beginning to see positive results in the area of NCD prevention through structured collaboration with non-state actors.
Mr Chairman; Norway supports the draft work programme for the working groups of the GCM for 2016-2017, including the proposed modalities for the General meeting in 2017. However, we believe that the 2017 General meeting should be convened at technical rather than political level.
Thank you Chair.