The Guide analyses each candidate country based on a set of indicators, such as the level of cooperation with relevant UN human rights actors, their relations and contributions to the Human Rights Council and the OHCHR, as well as their voluntary pledges to further the cause of human rights.
In his remarks, Ambassador Hans Brattskar welcomed the Guide by highlighting the importance of objective and transparent data in assessing the strength of the candidates. He also welcomed the fact that six of the prospective members are first-time candidates, we believe the Council will benefit from various perspectives. Marc Limon from Universal Rights Group presented the Guide and the indicators on which the analysis is based. He also made remarks regarding the fact that in this year’s election there is clean slate in all regions. Hilary Power, from Amnesty International, also commented on the Guide and the candidate countries, and underlined the importance of political leadership in ensuring accountability for future members of the Human Rights Council.
The Guide is available on the yourHRC website: http:/