“Better data enables a more effective response and the international community must strive to produce better data”, said Ambassador Brattskar, Permanent Representative of Norway, in his opening statement.
In internal displacement contexts, solid and agreed upon data is key to inform joint efforts between governments, humanitarian and development actors in order to effectively respond and help secure durable solutions. Quality statistics in refugee situations is equally important for evidence-based policies and programs, increased accountability and more effective advocacy.
Against the backdrop of a growing number of forcibly displaced persons, there is an increasing need to invest our efforts on improving data on forced displacement at global, national and local levels. The Permanent Mission of Norway, EGRIS and JIPS therefore presented two initiatives in the area at the event last week.
The interventions made clear that improving the evidence-base on refugees and IDPs is an important long-term investment to ensure that forcibly displaced persons are effectively incorporated into national development planning and budgeting processes, as well as global processes such as the SDGs.
Snapshots from each event are available through the following links: