Useful information for Norwegian-Irish connections

The Embassy has compiled a list of various practical questions that we have been asked on a regular basis.

Can I learn Norwegian in Ireland? The Sandford Language Institute in Dublin have Norwegian language courses for beginners and intermediates commencing three times a year.

Sandford Language Institute
Milltown Park
Sandford Road
Dublin 6
Tel: +353 1 260 1296

Where can I find statistical information about Norway? Statistics Norway has statistical information about Norway in English on their web site.

How can I obtain copies of official Norwegian texts and publications? Write to: Akademika Avd. for Offentlige Publikasjoner PO Box 8134 Dep N-0033 Oslo Norway "Green" telephone: + 47 800 80 960 Web: (Norwegian only)

Are Norwegian law texts available in English? Lovdata Foundation, established by the Ministry of Justice and the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo, operates a database with extensive information on Norwegian legal texts. A range of Norwegian legislation in English is available from the Lovdata Foundation's web-pages.