
Education Report - Rising to the Challenge

Norwegian efforts for global education yield positive results. Norway stepped up its efforts on education in development in 2013. This has resulted in education for over 3,1 million girls and boys per year in 2013-2016.

Education is important for reducing poverty. Over 260 million children and youths globally are not in school. Conflicts, natural disasters and other crisis are important reasons for children not attending school.

In 2013, the Norwegian government announced that it would double its aid spending on global education and take a leading role in global efforts to ensure quality education for all.

Subsequently, Norway increased its aid to education from NOK 1,7 billion in 2013 to NOK 3,2 billion in 2016.

The report Rising to the Challenge. Results of Norwegian education aid, 2013 – 2016, documents the actions taken and results achieved through Norwegian aid to education from 2013 to 2016.


Read the full report here:



Read the Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende's statement here:
