30th Anniversary of Japan-OSCE Cooperation – Human Security as Approach to Peacebuilding

EU statement, OSCE Asian Partners for Co-operation Group Meeting, Vienna, 22 July 2022.

1. The EU commends the Swedish Chair of the Asian Partners for Co-Operation
Group and Japan for organising this meeting. We thank the panellists for sharing
their interesting perspectives and experiences on human security and

2. At the outset, we would like to express our most sincere condolences on the tragic passing away of former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. We condemn this heinous attack in the strongest possible terms. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and the Japanese people. As the longestserving Prime Minister in Japan, Shinzo Abe will be remembered as an unwavering ally in the pursuit of peace, democracy, and the rule of law – in Europe, the Indo-Pacific and the world. The EU and Japan will continue to work side-by-side to further foster these principles, which are now more important than ever.

3. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Japan-OSCE cooperation. In 1992, Japan became the first Asian Partner to enter into a formal relationship of cooperation with the OSCE. The EU values the OSCE’s Asian Partnership, which provides excellent opportunities to share regional experiences, perspectives and best practices across all three dimensions of security with our Asian Partners. We appreciate the active engagement of Japan and of the Asian Partners in OSCE events and activities, as well as their contribution to OSCE extra-budgetary projects.


4. Our meeting today takes place against the backdrop of Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified and illegal aggression against Ukraine, which we condemn in the strongest possible terms. Russia’s illegal war of aggression must stop immediately. This war and its wide-reaching consequences, is a stark reminder that our security and stability is closely interlinked.

5. The topic of today’s meeting focused on human security is particularly relevant, as it invites us to adopt comprehensive, people-centred approach to security. We see a clear demonstration of this today: Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified and illegal war of aggression against Ukraine and its global consequences has thrown us into deeply uncertain times, with rapidly rising food and energy prices, increased fragility, and, as a possible consequence, amplified tensions within and between countries. The effects of this war touch on nearly every aspect of human security, and we must redouble our efforts to ensure that this does not lead to increased instability and violent conflict.

6. The OSCE has an extensive experience in assisting participating States in strengthening democratic institutions, protecting human rights and supporting civil society – which are essential elements to build sustainable peace and security. Last year marked the tenth anniversary of Ministerial Council Decision No. 3/11 on ‘Elements of the Conflict Cycle’, which has been instrumental in strengthening OSCE capacities. This landmark document acknowledges, among others, that conflict prevention, conflict resolution, post-conflict rehabilitation and peacebuilding must involve efforts to address violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as the absence of strong democratic institutions and the rule of law. It also recognises the important role of civil society in this regard, tasking OSCE executive structures to enhance their co-operation and co-ordination with civil society on the ground.

7. The EU and its Member States are steadfast supporters of global peacebuilding and conflict prevention. We strive for the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Respect for democratic institutions, human rights and the rule of law as well as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of independent States are cornerstones of conflict prevention and sustainable peacebuilding.

8. The EU's global engagement in peacebuilding and stabilisation has been
strengthened with the adoption of our Thematic Programme on Peace, Stability
and Conflict Prevention. Between 2021 and 2027, with a budget of 900 Million
euros, this programme will build capacities for conflict prevention, peacebuilding
and crisis preparedness, addressing global, transregional and emerging threats.
This comes as part of our development assistance to fragile countries and
marginalised communities and it is in addition to our strengthened effort to mediate and solve conflicts peacefully.

9. In conclusion, we would like to thank the Swedish Chair and the presenters for this opportunity to share views and experiences on enhancing human security in
support of peacebuilding efforts. The European Union remains committed to
pursuing and strengthening cooperation with our Asian Partners, including through the OSCE, wherever the organisation can be of assistance with its comprehensive approach to security. Thank you.

The Candidate Countries REPUBLIC of NORTH MACEDONIA*,
MONTENEGRO*, ALBANIA* and UKRAINE, the Potential Candidate
countries ICELAND and NORWAY, members of the European Economic
Area, as well as SAN MARINO align themselves with this statement.

* Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and
Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association