Mr. Chair,
On the adoption of a declaration on the Role of Youth in Contributing to Peace and Security Efforts, I would like to make the following interpretative statement on behalf of Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Norway.
The Declaration, though being short and weaker than we would have preferred, takes note of inter alia the United Nation Security Council Resolution 2250, which calls on all relevant actors to consider instituting mechanisms to promote a culture of peace, tolerance, intercultural and interreligious dialogue.
We acknowledge youth’s role in peace and security and underline the importance of the participation of women and the incorporation of gender perspectives in peace efforts.
The resolution outlines a long range of areas where youth can have such a role.
We encourage coming chairmanships to explore ways to include youth in the work on security in line with this UN resolution.
Norway requests that this statement be attached to the declaration, and reflected in the journal of the day.
Thank you