Norway House

Plan a visit to the Mission

The Mission receives approximately 10.000 visitors annually, including government ministers, members of parliament, representatives of counties and municipalties, students, non-governmental organisations, private businesses and more. 

The Mission also hosts a number of seminars and conferences at Norway House, often in cooperation with the EU institutions, think tanks or other organisations in Brussels.


Most visitors are given a one-hour introduction to the EEA Agreement and Norway's relationship with the EU. For groups with an interest in particular topics, counsellors at the Mission can give introductions to their areas of work. 

See our staff list for an overview of the topics we cover.

Given the large volume of visitors, we kindly ask you to submit your request by email to well in advance,with minimum two months notice. This email should contain:

  • The approximate number of participants.
  • The name and contact information of the organizer for this visit.
  • One or several possible dates.
  • If applicable, any particular topics of interest.

We reserve the right to alter any dates and times on short notice in order to accomodate visits from Norwegian officials or other unforeseen events.

Event venue

Norway House does not function as an event venue, and is therefore not for hire.

Norwegian stakeholders can request a loan of our conference hall, subject to availability. See our Norwegian website for more information.

Other institutions to visit

Should you plan on visiting some of the EU institutions or EFTA, we recommend also contacting these well in advance.

Introductions to the EEA and Norway Grants can be given by The Financial Mechanism Office (FMO), e.g. during a visit to Norway House or EFTA.

To visit the EFTA secretariat, see their website.