For nordmenn/For Norwegian citizens

Om ambassaden

Den norske ambassaden i Pretoria representerer Norge i Sør-Afrika, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Madagaskar og Lesotho. Ambassaden fremmer norske interesser, politiske og økonomiske målsettinger, og tilbyr konsulære tjenester til norske borgere. Det norske samarbeidet med Sør-Afrika er et partnerskap som er basert på felles politiske prioriteringer.

Reiseinformasjon for South Africa

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Personal ID Number

Norwegian citizens who wish to apply for a passport must first obtain a Norwegian personal number.

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All regular passports for adults and children must be applied for in person at the Embassy in Pretoria due to biometric requirements. Please contact in order to make an appointment. Below you will find more information about how to apply for a passport, as well as the application procedures.


Citizenship entails affiliation to a state with rights and obligations in relation to that state. Norwegian citizenship is granted in accordance with the Norwegian Citizenship Act.

Consular fees

The Embassy charges fees for some of its consular services.


Globalskolen er et nettbasert undervisningstilbud i norsk, samfunnsfag og KRLE for elever i grunnskolealder som er bosatt i utlandet. Tilbudet er tilpasset familier som ønsker å holde kontakten med Norge og norsk grunnskole. Søknadsfrist er 30. januar for vårsemesteret og 30. august for høstsemesteret.

Når man reiser med barn til og fra Sør-Afrika

I november 2019 har innreisekravene endret seg for mindreårige som ikke har krav til visum og som reiser i følge med foresatte.

Machine Readable Passports

As of 2015 only machine readable travel documents are accepted for travel to South Africa.

Norway allows dual citizenship from 1 January 2020

From 1 January 2020, it will be allowed to have one or more citizenships in addition to a Norwegian citizenship.

Endringer i Barnelova

Den 1. april ikraftsettes endringer i barnelova og statsborgerloven om foreldreskap og statsborgerskap for barn født i utlandet.

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Passport and citizenship

Citizenship entails affiliation to a state with rights and obligations in relation to that state. Norwegian citizenship is granted in accordance with the Norwegian Citizenship Act.

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Doing business in South Africa

Supporting and promoting Norwegian commercial interests in South Africa, and facilitating business opportunities between Norway and South Africa, is a priority for the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Pretoria. The Embassy can assist Norwegian industries, institutions, and businesses in establishing and maintaining contacts in South Africa and the Embassy’s five side accredited countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Businesses wishing to invest in South Africa are welcome to contact the Embassy for assistance.