Statement on the current situation in Northern Kosovo

As delivered by Minister Counsellor Henrik Malvik at the Permanent Council, Vienna, 1 June 2023

Mr Chair,

Norway has aligned itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the European Union. I would like to add a brief remark in my national capacity.

Last month we welcomed Ambassador Michael Davenport, head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, to the permanent council. In response to Ambassador Davenport’s report, Norway stated that a stable and prosperous Kosovo is crucial for the security and stability of Southeast Europe, and consequently for the entire OSCE region. With this in mind, we echo the condemnation of the recent violence in the north of Kosovo against citizens, law enforcement authorities and KFOR peacekeepers.

We urge the parties to refrain from violence, engage in constructive dialogue and abstain from further provocative actions and rhetoric. A comprehensive agreement on full normalization of relations, dialogue and compromise is the only way forward.

Norway will continue to support efforts to strengthen regional cooperation and the normalization process, through the OSCE and other international organizations.


Thank you.