Closing statement on taking stock of the implementation of the OSCE commitments in the field of Environment and Security

As delivered by Intern Jamie André Løvaas at the Closing Session of the Economic and Environmental Implementation Meeting, Vienna, 13 November 2023.

Dear colleagues,

Norway would like to thank the organizers of this year’s Economic and
Environmental Dimension Implementation Meeting (EEDIM). The occasion served as a valuable platform to for assessing the progress made in implementing the OSCE`s commitments. They are crucial, both to improve governance and combating corruption in the sphere of the environment, and to address environmental threats such as natural and man-made disasters.

We would also like to express our gratitude to all the panellists for sharing their expertise with us. Building on the insights from our esteemed panellists, we must continue to exchange best practices, and strengthen our resolve to implement OSCE commitments. Joint actions and shared responsibility are the way forward in ensuring security and well-being for our nations and our environment.

Norway remains steadfast in our commitment to environmental governance and the fight against corruption, which are crucial for sustainable development and international stability. We also recognize the importance of collaboration in mitigating the impacts of environmental threats.

Let us transform the momentum gained here into future engagements. Norway is eager to work alongside participating states to turn the discussions and proposals into concrete actions and measurable progress. We are convinced that the OSCE has a relevant and valuable role to play in assisting participating state`s efforts.

Thank you.