Thank you, Mr. Chair,
I join others in congratulating you Ambassador Keiderling on your appointment as new head of mission in Moldova and welcome you to the Permanent Council. I also thank you and your team for the comprehensive and detailed report on the mission´s activities. I would also like to use this occasion to wholeheartedly thank Ambassador Neukirch for his work and tremendous effort during his four years as head of mission in Moldova.
Mr. Chair,
Considering the recent deterioration of the security situation in Moldova, the field mission plays an important role as a stabilizing factor and actor. Through the gathering of information and through the monitoring of developments on both sides of the Dniester River, the mission has a pivotal role in securing a way forward to peace and stability.
Norway commends the mission’s work in facilitating talks between Chisinau and Tiraspol. Dialogue is indeed the only way to move forward. I would like to reiterate Norway’s ´continued support for result-oriented meetings, also in the 5+2 format, if and when circumstance allows.
Mr. Chair,
The Russian Federation’s illegal and brutal war of aggression against Ukraine also adversely affects the people of Moldova. Norway is deeply worried about the news concerning the reduction of gas deliveries to Moldova. Furthermore, Moldovan access to electricity has decreased as a direct consequence of Russia’s targeted bombing of Ukrainian energy infrastructure. Norway reiterates its calls on the Russian Federation to end its senseless and bestial war of choice and withdraw its military forces from the sovereign territory of Ukraine.
Mr. Chair,
Norway remains a staunch supporter of a peaceful, comprehensive, and lasting settlement to the Transnistrian conflict.
I would like to underline the Norwegian support for a settlement on the basis of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, within its internationally recognized borders, and with a special status for Transnistria.
The OSCE has a diverse toolbox to provide necessary support to Moldova in the current situation. We trust that Ambassador Keiderling and her team will manage the toolbox and its assets to assist Moldova in the best possible way.
Norway, together with other state donors and international organisations, will continue to support Moldova in the current difficult situation. And, to Ambassador Keiderling, you can rest assured that our support to the mission in Moldova will continue
Thank you.