Thank you, Chair
First, let me thank the Swedish chairpersonship for its tireless efforts and constructive consultations with the aim to find consensus on the decisions needed to hold the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in 2021. Just a few days ago, we were able to find consensus on two other important topics, and it is regrettable that we do not seem to do so here.
The chairpersonship and many participating states, including my own, have actively sought common ground and shown willingness to give concessions towards finding a compromise. We have for a long time been ready to agree a decision, but we see now that one state is blocking.
The work of 56 states is hampered by one state, and the arguments of the one state for not joining consensus have changed over time. This leads us to believe that these negotiations have not been conducted in good faith, with an aim of finding a solution.
The unwillingness to compromise has been seen in a steadily growing number of issues. In an organisation based on consensus no single participant can expect to have all priorities met. We need all to engage in dialogue with an aim to come to agreement.
Thank you