Thank you Mr. Chairperson,
Norway joins others in warmly welcoming Ambassador Hasani back to the Permanent Council, and for the first time in the capacity of Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities. We appreciate this update and the opportunity to hear your reflexions so far.
As has been stated several times, the second dimension has the potential to build confidence and trust, foster dialogue, promote good neighbourly relations and diminish tension.
Norway would welcome a stronger engagement on climate change and climate related security risks, protection of the environment and economic empowerment of women.
As the Ministerial Council is approaching, we hope to agree on new commitments on some of these areas to improve the situation in our region.
With a view to last year’s Ministerial Council, we appreciate that the new Co-ordinator will continue to work on fighting corruption and promoting good governance.
The recently held Economic and Environmental Dimension Implementation Meeting underlined the importance of actual implementation of our common commitments in these fields. Ambassador Hasanis focus on transparency is also welcome in this regard.
We also support the mainstreaming of the gender perspective in all activities. This enhances the effect of all our efforts, in and across every dimension of security.
In closing, we thank you, ambassador Hasani, and your team for the excellent work you are and will be doing for the OSCE. We commend your focus on increased visibility of the work of your office. We wish you every success in your new capacity, and encourage all participating states to contribute to the successful work of you and your staff.
Thank you.