Statement on the Structured Dialogue

Delivered by Ambassador Anne-Kirsti Karlsen at the 79th Joint FSC – PC Meeting Vienna, 28 October 2020.


Norway would like to thank the Albanian Chairman-in-office and the German FSC Chair for bringing the topic of the Structured Dialogue to the joint meeting of the Permanent Council and the Forum for Security Cooperation.

We would also like to thank the Spanish Chair of the Informal Working Group, Ambassador Cuesta and his team, for the successful conduct of this year’s meetings, and the report that we have received. We know that this has been challenging in the current COVID-19 environment.

Norway values and supports the Structured Dialogue, which we would like to see be developed further in accordance with the Hamburg Declaration, as a transparent, inclusive, state-owned and -driven confidence building process.

To us capital involvement adds value to our discussions, strengthen the possibility to introduce new ideas, creates ownership and reinvigorates the processes here in Vienna, be it in form of experts, politicians or ministries.

In our opinion, the Structured Dialogue is a CSBM in itself that allows us all to address our differences and our commonalities, as well as share best practices.

The currant security-policy environment is demanding and in these difficult times, we welcome the continued focus of the Structured Dialogue on politico-military issues and on all security threats and challenges of most concern to theOSCE participating States. Dialogue to foster a greater understanding on these issues, could help us in building a common basis for a way ahead.


To conclude Chair,

Norway sees the SD as a valuable arena for discussion and exchange of ideas and opinions, not necessarily focusing on a predetermined outcome. We think it is important that participating States work together in the spirit of mutual understanding and respect, towards creating an environment conducive to reinvigorating Conventional Arms Control and CSBMs.

There is a great need for this, and a lot remains to be done. Let us continue to be constructive and creative in pursuing this agenda.

Thank you.