Ambassabygget i Budapest - Photo:Ambassaden i Budapest

About the Embassy

The Norwegian Embassy in Budapest was established in 1968. The Embassy in Budapest is also covering Slovenia.

Contact information:
Ostrom u. 13.
H-1015 Budapest

Tel:  +36-1 325 33 00
IP:    +47 23 95 27 00
Fax: +36-1 325 33 99

Opening hours:
15 May - 14 September
Monday 10.00 - 15.00
Tuesday to Friday 09.00 - 15.00

15 September – 14 May
Monday 10.00 -15.30
Tuesday to Friday 09.00-15.30

Telephone open
Monday to Friday 10.00-12.00

Lunch break 12.30-13.00

Consular Section opening hours:
By appointment only. To inquire please send an email to

Monday 10.00 -12.00
Tuesday to Friday 09.00-12.00

Dear visitor, welcome to the website of the Norwegian Embassy in Budapest! 

One of the main objectives of the Embassy is to promote and strengthen mutual trade and investment. The potential in these areas is far from exhausted. It is an important task to deepen information, contact and cooperation between Norwegian and Hungarian and Slovenian businesses respectively.