Statement on freedom of opinion and expression and media freedom in Belarus

Delivered by Ambassador Anne-Kirsti Karlsen at the Permanent Council Vienna, 8 October 2020.


Mr. Chair,


We are deeply concerned by reports of continued human rights violations of peaceful protesters in Belarus. We remind Belarus that the right to peaceful assembly is a cornerstone of democracy and a right for every citizen in all our countries.

Furthermore, the cancelling of journalists’ accreditations impedes access to information for the people of Belarus. During times of unrest and uncertainty, such access to unbiased information is of paramount importance. We again ask the authorities in Minsk to adhere to the human right commitments they have agreed to.

We again encourage the authorities in Minsk to accept the offer from the present, and the incoming, Chairperson-in-office, of a visit to Belarus in order to facilitate dialogue.


Thank you