On arrival

When you cross the border into the Schengen area, you will have to present:

You may be asked to provide fingerprints by the border control officer, in which case these will be compared with the fingerprints provided when you applied for your visa.
As long as your visa is valid, you can travel around freely in the Schengen area, or in the specific Schengen countries covered by the visa. If you leave the Schengen area, for example to visit the UK or Svalbard, you will need a multiple entry visa.

Be aware that even if you have been granted a visa, the border control officer may refuse you entry into Schengen if you at the time of travelling no longer fulfil the conditions for having a visa, for example having a visa issued by a member state that is not your main destination.

According to Visa Code article 34 2nd paragraph a visa shall be revoked where it becomes evident that the conditions for issuing it are no longer met. 

In addition to creating doubts about the application, wilfully or through gross negligence providing materially false or manifestly misleading information in a case could lead to expulsion from all of Schengen.

Remember to bring with you relevant documents to show at the passport control: 


Your return ticket should be within the period of validity of your visa