Before you apply

In order to apply for a visa from Indonesia you must either be a citizen of Indonesia or legally reside here.

Group registration: If two or more people of the same nationality are travelling together, for any kind of purpose, they should register using the group application, not individual applications. This ensures quicker processing time. Groups of more than 15 people should be divided into smaller subgroups.

If there are no available appointment slots for groups on the Application Portal, please contact VFS directly to arrange an appointment. Do not use individual appointments for groups as this will increase the processing time for the visa applications.

WARNING: Visa Agents

Please note that the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok do not co-operate with any visa  agents in Indonesia. The official partner of Norway in Indonesia is VFS Global.

Applicants are strongly advised not to deal with visa agents. They often charge high fees, offer false information, and in some cases have been found to compromise the overall credibility of an application by encouraging applicants to falsify information and documentation.

Please report any attempts at visa fraud from visa agents directly to the Embassy.